Cory was very sweet in throwing me a surprise party at the Centre. I thought I was showing up for a Disney themed Friday night party, but it turned out to be a "Kim's Birthday" theme. The students had to decorate cakes and make me presents, while I was the judge.
Like I said it was nice of Cory to do, but as I was already missing home and wishing I could celebrate with family and friends, having a surprise party where I only knew a few of the 30+ people gathered, made me even more sad.
I decided to celebrate my birthday in my own way. I wanted to give myself a mini-makeover, so I got my hair chopped. I also asked a couple friends to come shopping with me and bought some new clothes and make-up. I spent 5 hours at the mall that day, and felt much better about turning 30! (Now if I can just make it to 40 without any gray hairs!)
you look so cute! i love the clothes and hair. I'm sorry you were sad on your birthday though.
30 looks great on you! Happy belated birthday!
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