Thursday, January 22, 2009

Planes, Umbrellas, and Worms

Yesterday we went on another field trip with the co-op group. This one was to the Chiang Mai International Airport where we "followed the luggage." Evie found it interesting, and was excited to wear the special security badge that let us go behind the scenes. I thought there was a little too much standing and waiting around the airport, which we've had plenty of in our travels! I didn't want to miss the opportunity though, because I know you could never do this at a US airport anymore!
Back in November, we went to the silk and umbrella factories that are right next door to each other. This was much more fascinating to me. At the umbrella factory, we were able to see how the make "sa" paper (mulberry paper). And then how they actually make the thai umbrellas and fans. Then the people that work there paint incredible pictures on them! The girls each got to paint their own little umbrellas too.
Then we walked next door to the silk factory. This was my favorite! We were able to see the whole process of how silk is made from the eggs, to the live silkworms, to the cocoon. Each cocoon is wound from a single continuous strand, and It takes 50 cocoons to make one silk thread! We also saw silk moths. They make sure to only harvest a certain percentage of the cocoons, so that the silk moth will never die out.
Next we saw how they die the thread different colors, how it is wound onto spools, and then how they weave it into silk cloth. There were many women working at weaving looms all packed into this factory. Some made solid color cloth and could go pretty fast. Others wove very elaborate designs with the silk and only made a few inches of cloth in a day! No wonder silk is so expensive! They had many beautiful items available in there showroom, but none that we could afford!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Turning the big 3-0

On November 7th, I turned 30.  I was kind of dreading it.
Cory was very sweet in throwing me a surprise party at the Centre.  I thought I was showing up for a Disney themed Friday night party, but it turned out to be a "Kim's Birthday" theme.  The students had to decorate cakes and make me presents, while I was the judge.  Like I said it was nice of Cory to do, but as I was already missing home and wishing I could celebrate with family and friends, having a surprise party where I only knew a few of the 30+ people gathered, made me even more sad.
I decided to celebrate my birthday in my own way.  I wanted to give myself a mini-makeover, so I got my hair chopped.  I also asked a couple friends to come shopping with me and bought some new clothes and make-up.  I spent 5 hours at the mall that day, and felt much better about turning 30! (Now if I can just make it to 40 without any gray hairs!)

Everybody's Got a Water Buffalo

One of the moms at the homeschool co-op we go to has decided to plan field trips for us this year.  The first one was a trip to the buffalo farm on October 9th.  The buffalo farm  is where you get to learn about growing rice and how water buffalo used to be used before modern day machinery.
This day was MESSY and so much fun!  We were able to push the plow behind the buffalo in the rice paddy, plant rice, and mount a buffalo.  (Check out the video, it's harder than it looks!)  The girls were too squeamish to get into the mud much, which is understandable considering it was up to my knees!  Here's a bunch of pictures, I'm not going to take the time to worry about layout.

Back on the Blog wagon

So some of you have been asking why I haven't posted anything in so long.  Sorry!  Here's my list of excuses:
We moved in November.  It was extremely easy compared to moving around the world a year ago, but it took us over a month to get internet hooked up and actually working.
Then in December, not only were we busy with Christmas, but I was sick.  Actually still sick.  I have been sick since December 8th!  No joke.  I've been through three rounds of antibiotics along with a mixture of about 6 other medications.  It seems like as soon as one problem is getting better, another one pops up.  This illness has really wiped me out and I've had to prioritize getting some rest because my immune system just doesn't seem able to kick it.
I finally feel up to writing, so I'm going to try to make a lot of posts in the next week or so.  Thanks for checking in with us!