Saturday, September 13, 2008

Loosing Teeth

Evie's top two teeth have been growing in behind her baby teeth, and I have been anxiously nagging her to let someone pull the baby ones out.  Well, thanks to Winnie giving her a head-butt in the car last night, 2 of her 3 loose teeth fell out finally!  It was a little stressful trying to park the car and toss her something to stop the bleeding, but I am now very thankful they came out.  Her smile will look a little awkward for awhile, but we've all been through that stage, right?


Elizabeth Fisher said...

Ah, yes I do remember those days!
I cannot believe how long Evie's hair is. It is just beautiful!

Thanks for posting more pictures of you all. It is good to see what's happening over there on a regular basis. ;-)

Much love,

Emily said...

I'm glad to hear that she lost her teeth! :) Em