Winnie turned 5 years old on Thursday! She got some special gifts from family back home, like an elephant ride, gymnastics classes, and a calico critter house!
On Saturday we threw a birthday party for her and invited all the friends she has made from the homeschool co-op we go to. It was a Wizard of Oz theme and Winnie was Dorothy. We had it at the Centre, where Cory works, and decked it out with a lifesize tinman, a big emerald city, and a 30-ft yellow brick road! We even threw water balloons at the wicked witch (drawn with sidewalk chalk) to make her melt. Winnie had a lot of fun and is excited to be a big 5-year-old now!
Cory has been busy at the Centre. There was a team from the Philippines in to help for one week. They did a lot of special things with the students during this week and saw three accept Jesus into their lives! It is exciting to see God working in the hearts of the students at the Centre.